One day with beautiful girls, happiness must be cracked.
Do you think we will be good friends in the next life? You've already asked in your last life.
It's the same as dawdling. I'll have a better time with you.
There are chestnuts in winter, watermelons in summer, and you have me in all seasons.
Your knight hasn't come yet, but you will always be my princess
Wherever there is light, there will be shadows, so even if we are thousands of miles apart, as long as we walk towards the light, we will always be inseparable
I hope that whether I am happy or sad, I can be your first share candidate
I am a kid who hides and secretly loves you in this world.
九,只要我们足够开心 就没有烦恼可以缠上我的姐妹。
As long as we are happy enough, there is no trouble to haunt my sister.
No matter how small things are interesting, it is friendship. No matter how small things are, it is love, love is complementary, and friendship is resonance
十一,我想成为你开怀大笑的原因 做你生命中无可替代的那个女孩。
I want to be the reason why you laugh and be the irreplaceable girl in your life.
十二,要问姐妹做多久 心跳多久就多久。
Ask your sister how long her heart beats.
十三,友谊不需要句子 我和你就是最好的证明。
Friendship doesn't need sentences. You and I are the best proof.
十四,余生谁也别想指教我 姐妹们养老院见。
No one will teach my sisters for the rest of my life. See you at the nursing home
We are noble, but men are unworthy
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